Large Loss Insurance Claims
Restoration Services Near North Haven

Helping North Haven Residents When They Need it the Most
Just like its name suggests, a large loss is when major damage has been done to your property that usually requires either replacement services or restoration services. However, with large-loss claims, it's not so simple. This is due to the fact that there are no set rules for categorizing damage as a large loss. This means that large-loss property claims are complex and require the help of a professional to ensure a positive outcome. Even the most discerning business and homeowners tend to get caught in the weeds when dealing with large-loss insurance claims, and the layers of insurance coverage that has to be sorted out.
At Pro-Klean, we have decades worth of experience when it comes to working with insurance companies and large-loss claims near New Haven. Our team is here to ensure you have a positive outcome for your insurance claim no matter your restoration needs. Contact our restoration company for a free quote today!

There is significant structural damage
Most of the structure has to be replaced
Extensive repairs are required due to damage
Business has been halted due to the damage
Large-loss insurance claims work much like regular insurance claims — at least on the surface. An adjuster from your insurance company will arrive. Their job is to determine the amount of damage done and put a value to it. Remember that these insurance adjusters work for the insurance company so their job is to be on the low end of compensation awarded. Their job entails calling experts if need be in order to get an accurate estimate on damage done. This can include structural engineers, architects, estimators, CPAs, and the like. These experts may even come to your home or office if need be.
The insurance adjuster will determine if you have the appropriate coverage and how long the process should take. They will also tell you how much of the damage they will cover and how much is your responsibility. Here is your chance to contest their decision, and having an accurate estimate of the damage done by a professional North Haven restoration company can help. When it comes to something as significant as a total loss of your North Haven home or business, it's always best to consult with someone on the outside, such as an attorney or CPA experienced in large-loss claims. Call Pro-Klean to learn more about large-loss claims today!
Have all documents reviewed before signing. It's important to have all of your i's dotted and your t's crossed when dealing with large-loss claims and settlements. You will probably be inundated with forms, policies, and paperwork, many of which are full of legal jargon you don't quite understand. Be certain of what you are signing and consult an attorney for advice.
Be aware of stipulations to your large-loss claim. Now's the time to dust off your insurance policy and read it thoroughly to see what it entails. As with any insurance policy, there can be important exclusions that you should know about. An attorney can help you with understanding your insurance policy as well. You should review laws, ordinances, and codes, too.
Document the damage and keep any insurance paperwork received. It's important to have a backup in case you need it. In the case of large-loss claims, it's prudent to take pictures of the damage, as well as video, and keep all of your correspondence with the insurance company. You'll want to document everything of value that you lost in the disaster and keep every estimate you get from restoration companies.
Partner with a top-rated restoration company in North Haven. It's super important to get a few estimates for repairs so that you can provide these to your insurance company. Pro-Klean in North Haven offers free written estimates, and with our large-loss claim experience, we can help you have a very strong claim to present to your insurance company. Partner with our restoration company today!

Too many homeowners and business owners only look at the final cost of their insurance policy and have no idea what it covers. Many just go with the standard, which is what a lot of insurance agents recommend, especially if you have nothing unique about your property, such as historical significance. While most insurance policies typically cover your residential or commercial property if it's damaged by a natural disaster, such as lightning, hail, fire, hurricane, or the like, many standard homeowners insurance policies do not cover damage by earthquakes or floods. It's super important to understand what your insurance policy covers so when a disaster strikes, you'll have adequate coverage to weather the storm and have your building rebuilt and paid for. Pro-Klean offers the best restoration and remediation services in North Haven. Call us for disaster recovery today!
Ready to Get Started?
Pro-Klean has been providing the best residential and commercial restoration and remediation services in North Haven since 1986. Our expert team can help with many of your restoration service needs, including fire and smoke, water damage, wind and storm, mold remediation, and large-loss restoration. We work with clients on large-loss insurance claims to develop a plan of action for remediation and restoration that works in their best interest. We advise clients on the amount of restoration work that needs to be done and the cost to complete it. A fair and honest assessment of the required remediation work will strengthen a claim so the insurance company will provide the funds needed. We understand how devastating a large loss can be, which is why we can help.
Our family-owned and operated is the trusted name in restoration services for the state of Connecticut. We work diligently to ensure your property is restored to like-new condition. In addition, we offer home restoration and remodeling services in order to help you get your property back as soon as possible. From plumbing and electrical to drywall, kitchens, and bathrooms, once our remediation service has been completed, we'll begin the remodeling phase. We can restore your home or office exactly how it was, or we can take this opportunity to remodel your space exactly how you want it.
Pro-Klean understands how you have been affected by this disaster to your North Haven home or business. When you partner with us, we'll do our best to ensure a quick and speedy restoration and remodeling process. Call for a free estimate today!